Preparing for your Montage

Questions we will ask you.
Tell us your story!

Event Location Event Type
Event Date Star name(s)
Chapter Centric© Number of chapters
Time length range Number of songs
Emotional Goal Tempo
Opening message Closing message
Special effets Videos
Drop Box Photos Thumb Drive Photos
Event Coordinator's info Supporting cast names
Chronological Surprise
Pet Peives Music type
Background info Scanning Services
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Don’t worry, we’re here to make it easy!

We love it when someone states, "oh it will only take a minute to make this slideshow"! When someone tells you "only a minute" take heed of our warning! "It takes time to make a quality production." That is why we give a 5% discount on orders, supplied complete, that are more than 30 days from the due date!

Giving us extra time to make the montage, gives you extra time to review the montage and it reduces everyone’s stress. We get so many requests to fit in a forgotten picture! Yes, we work well under pressure and can turn around a montage the same day, but who wants that pressure every day? Plan ahead, save money, get a better product! But if you are in a pinch, go with a team that is graceful under pressure. TEAM AM4U!